



















1. 环境氛围


2. 疗愈过程







3. 疗愈效果


























1. 灵气疗法:灵气疗法是柔道理疗的一种,通过触摸患者的身体,将灵气输入到患者的体内,调整患者的气血,从而达到治疗疾病的目的。

2. 拔罐疗法:拔罐疗法是柔道理疗中常见的一种,通过在患者身上拔出罐子,使局部皮肤充血、淤血,从而促进血液循环,缓解疼痛。

3. 刮痧疗法:刮痧疗法是通过使用刮痧板在患者身上刮拭,使局部皮肤出现红色斑点,以达到活血化瘀、疏通经络的效果。

4. 穴位按摩:穴位按摩是柔道理疗的核心,通过对人体穴位进行按摩,调整气血,达到治病养生的目的。


1. 安全可靠:柔道理疗是一种无副作用、无创伤的养生方式,适合各类人群。

2. 疗效显著:经过多年的实践,柔道理疗在治疗各种疾病方面取得了显著成效。

3. 舒适愉悦:在柔道理疗过程中,患者可以感受到身心放松,愉悦的心情。

4. 经济实惠:相比其他养生方式,柔道理疗的费用较低,更容易被大众接受。







1. 服务质量:部分员工服务意识淡薄,缺乏专业培训,导致服务态度差、技能水平低,无法满足消费者需求。

2. 环境卫生:SPA中心环境卫生状况堪忧,部分区域存在异味、卫生死角等问题,影响消费者体验。

3. 设施设备:设施设备老旧,部分区域设备损坏,无法满足消费者需求。

4. 管理不善:管理层对服务质量、环境卫生等方面重视程度不够,导致问题长期得不到解决。




1. 加强员工培训:企业应加大对员工的培训力度,提高员工的服务意识和技能水平,确保服务质量。

2. 优化环境卫生:定期对SPA中心进行清洁、消毒,确保环境卫生达标。

3. 更新设施设备:根据消费者需求,及时更新设施设备,提高消费体验。

4. 加强管理:管理层应高度重视客户反馈,建立健全客户投诉处理机制,及时解决问题。

5. 行业自律:行业协会应加强对会员企业的监管,督促企业提高服务质量,维护消费者权益。





1. 西安XX商贸有限公司



2. 西安YY健康科技有限公司



3. 西安ZZ按摩器材有限公司




1. 品牌选择:选择知名品牌的产品,质量更有保障。

2. 产品功能:根据个人需求选择合适的功能,如按摩、足浴、蒸汽等。

3. 材质选择:选择环保、舒适的材质,如实木、皮革等。

4. 价格对比:在多家销售点进行价格对比,选择性价比高的产品。

5. 售后服务:了解销售点的售后服务政策,确保购买无忧。








1. 专业服务:西安男性温泉养生馆拥有一支专业的服务团队,为男性朋友们提供一对一的个性化服务。从泡温泉、按摩、理疗到休闲养生,都能满足您的需求。

2. 独特环境:馆内环境优雅、舒适,独具特色的装饰风格,让人仿佛置身于仙境。室内外温泉池、休息区、茶室等设施一应俱全,让您在享受温泉的同时,感受放松身心、愉悦心情的氛围。

3. 多样化的项目:西安男性温泉养生馆提供多种养生项目,如温泉浴、按摩、足疗、刮痧、拔罐等,让您在轻松愉快的氛围中,达到强身健体、缓解疲劳的效果。

4. 个性化定制:根据您的需求,馆内提供多种套餐供您选择,您可以根据自己的喜好和时间安排,定制专属的养生方案。


1. 专业技师:馆内技师均经过专业培训,具有丰富的经验,为您提供高品质的按摩、理疗服务。

2. 舒适设施:馆内设施齐全,让您在享受温泉的同时,感受到家的温馨。

3. 优质服务:馆内服务周到,从预约、接待到结账,全程为您贴心服务。

4. 优惠活动:馆内不定期推出优惠活动,让您在享受高品质服务的同时,还能节省费用。


1. 缓解疲劳:温泉浴能加速血液循环,促进新陈代谢,缓解肌肉、关节疼痛,让您在泡温泉的过程中,感受到全身的轻松。

2. 改善睡眠:温泉浴有助于放松身心,缓解压力,提高睡眠质量。

3. 增强免疫力:温泉中的矿物质和微量元素能提高人体免疫力,预防疾病。

4. 美容养颜:温泉浴能促进皮肤新陈代谢,改善肤质,让您肌肤更加光滑细腻。


Wind and Soul Dry Cough Introduce Hui Hong and Bath Moon to Zhi Xin.

Zhi Xin didn’t know that both of them were brothers. Yimei saw that one of them called his brother "Big Brother" with a smile, and the other called "Wind Soul Brother" sweetly. His brother seemed to be more sad than his "true sister".
Although I have worries in my heart, I am naive, evil, intelligent, considerate and considerate, and I don’t want to make it difficult for my brother, Zhi Xin, to get together harmoniously soon and put the wind and soul aside.
Because the wind soul is now in the top position of the Buddha, several princesses don’t think too much about the wind soul in etiquette, but they don’t want to be too restrained. Tell Qi Chen that he wants to come over for fun, and there is no need to make so much trouble. Qi Chen also knows that although he is in a high position, he is really casual in etiquette, and he will follow his heart.
When Chichen was the master, she took them to the island to wander around and watch the scenery. Although she had been here before, she was never so free in wartime and it was very comfortable to have all the women around her.
Qi Chen and Hui Hong both know that the two brothers and sisters have their own worries and may have something to say to each other, so they find an excuse to pull Yin Niang to see their thoughts and go with them. Soon the wind soul and Zhi Xin are left walking on the beach.
Feng soul looked at her sister and saw that she was walking with her head down and sighed lightly. "How are you doing here these days?"
Feng Zhixin whispered, "The scenery here is very good, and several sisters are good to me."
The wind soul wants to ask again for a while, but I don’t know what to say again. It is thought that when Zhi Xin was in the palace just now, her "sisters" were very close to each other. This "brother" seems to be unfamiliar and can’t help but feel sad.
He didn’t know that Zhi Xin had similar thoughts with him just now.
Feng Zhixin added, "Wan’er often comes to accompany me, too. She told me a lot … What’s her business?"
She? The wind soul froze and Zheng realized that Zhi Xin said that this "she" should be Zhao Wu’s daughter and thought that Wan’er was not only forced by Zhao Wu’s daughter to do a lot of things, but she didn’t want to do anything. It should be difficult for Zhi Xin to hear Zhao Wu’s good words from Wan’er.
Hesitant but listening to my sister say, "I … really want to meet her."
Silence of the wind and soul
Zhao Wu’s daughter is dead, and she died in childbirth because she gave birth to Zhi Xin. She tried to send this child to the world more than one thousand years later, no matter what Zhao Wu did before, she did a lot to Zhi Xin.
If Zhao Wu’s daughter can live, she should also want to see this child grow up, right?
He said, "She is a good mother."
Feng Zhi Xin looked at him and Zhan Yan smiled. "Well … I thought so."
I am not a good father, let alone a good brother! Wind soul thought
In the distance, Cliff Bath Moon and Mei Er waved to them and said, "I’ll take you there …"
"I can fly before I can." The wind Zhi Xin turned into a beautiful winged dragon flying to the bath moon and others. It was as thin as cicada scales and as beautiful as jade. It looked like a picture, and the wind was slightly absent.
I didn’t expect Feng Zhi Xin to have a dragon lineage. Although it looks different from other dragons such as Qiu, Jiao and Guo, it is also a "kin" after all, so it also shows that the dragon is really dressed in email.
Wind Soul flew to the cliff to see the two dragon ladies flying along the mountain with a fox. With a few smiles, he felt better. He looked at Qi Chen and asked, "Wan’er still hasn’t come out?"
Chichen shook her head. "I wonder if she doesn’t want to meet each other."
Wind Soul can generally guess the official Wan’er’s mind, so he said, "If not, I’ll go and see her."
So he left Hui Hong and Yin Niang here and followed Qi Chen to the residence of Guan Wan’er.
Before coming to Wan’er’s house, Chichen took leave and left. The wind soul gently knocked on the door, and soon hit a girl in a light red corset and long skirt. When I saw her there, it was the wind soul officer Wan’er who was at a loss and put him into the house and bit his lip slightly.
Wind Soul looked at her and sighed, "Wan’er … Don’t you want to see me?"
Officer Wan’er shook his head and shed tears unconsciously. Although she likes men in front of her, every time I think that Liang Xiu is infatuated with her and protects her, I always feel guilty about Liang Xiu and don’t know what the wind soul thinks of her. Although I always want to see the wind soul, I always can’t take this step.
The wind soul hand gently dialed her hair and looked at the broken ear and thought that she was an able person after all. She always protected the people around her, whether she was dead, Wang Miaoxiang, Sun Lingxiu, Zhao Wu, Long Ge, or Xu Feiqiong, who had a broken arm, and Yin Niang, who suffered a lot. At this time, Wan’er, who fell in love with his daughter, always seemed to have no good chance.
"I’m sorry," he held out his hand and held Wan’er tightly in his arms. "I shouldn’t have let you leave me at that time! Wan’er … Will you stay with me? "
It was not until this time that he came here for nothing. When he rescued Wan’er from the prison in Leiting, he let her follow Liang Xiu away. How much he hurt her heart at that time.
Wan’er threw himself into his arms and cried out "hmm … hmm …"
Kiss away the tears on the girl’s face and say some sweet words. The wind soul carried her to the bed and let her rest early. When she left the house, it was near dusk. She came to the cliff to see the bath moon and email. She was resting there because she was too tired, while Yin Niang accompanied them. In the distance, Huihong walked side by side with Zhi Xin in the sea breeze, as if talking about something.
Two women at the beach flew together when they saw him coming back. The wind soul wanted to ask what they talked about, but they saw Zhi Xin blushing and giving him a red look. Hui Hong did not speak, but her eyes were smiling.
This makes the wind soul more curious …
In the dead of night, the wind soul sleeps alone in Qichen, and he prepares the guest room.
Although I want to get Huihong or Wan’er to "serve as my bedroom" after a long night’s sleep, it seems that it is not too presumptuous for Qingyuan Palace to have a bad influence here.
In the past few days, either Fei Qiong or Hui Hong has always been accompanied by someone who can help him not to think about some sad things. Now he is alone again and unconsciously thinks of Sun Lingxiu’s death as if he had been stung by a needle.
At this moment, he suddenly felt something in his heart. Although he closed his eyes and did not move, his knowledge slowly spread.
The door was hit and someone slipped in quietly.
The man was breathing a little short at his bedside, and the wind soul was still wondering, maybe Wan’er couldn’t resist running to see his gods, but he quickly judged who he was and opened his eyes.
"Brother …"
The faint moonlight came through the butterfly screen window, and the wind Zhi Xin stood there quietly. She was wearing a semi-transparent corset, and her shoulders and calves were naked outside. Her beautiful skin exuded a soft luster in the moonlight, and she outlined an attractive curve on her chest, which made people give birth to an irresistible temptation.
The wind soul got up and wondered why she came to her room in the middle of the night. He looked at Zhi Xin and asked softly, "What happened to Zhi Xin?"
Zhi Xin grabbed his arm with clever strength and suggested that he turned around. Feng Soul didn’t know what she wanted to do, so he turned his back on her.
Come behind him and listen to the notes.
Is she …






1. 基础护理项目




2. 特色护理项目




3. 温泉养生项目



4. 住宿套餐





1. 专业技师:中心拥有一批经验丰富的专业技师,为您量身定制个性化的护理方案。

2. 优质环境:SPA中心环境优雅,装修风格独特,让您在舒适的环境中享受护理。

3. 精选产品:中心采用国际知名品牌护肤品,保证护理效果。

4. 个性化服务:根据您的需求,提供多种个性化服务,满足您的不同需求。


In my heart, I was surprised when I saw a divine light rushing to meet the five-color divine light, and suddenly I became six Kong Xuan, whose clothes were different in color, and the five were all presented to Li Suiyun in accordance with their colors.

Li Suiyun’s heart is full of joy. This Kong Xuan has now cultivated five busy members. These five busy members live and die according to the five elements. If they are arranged in a large array of five elements, it is not enough for the other party to drink a pot. The chances of winning the battle will also increase greatly in the future.
When Kong Xuan saw Li Suiyun, he was also happy with all kinds of penance. Today, there are great achievements, among which the pain is unknown to outsiders. It is also impossible to wet his eyes when he thought that the sad place was his foundation.
Li Suiyun saw Kong Xuan like this, and he was both happy and sad. He snorted and scolded, "Don’t lose me, brother Floating Cloud Island. Now that you have completed your studies, I will be interested to see who else is your opponent."
Li Suiyun was so happy in his heart that he immediately ordered the boy servant to set up a small banquet. He personally asked Li Suiyun about the recent events in Kong Xuan, and Li Suiyun shook his head and sighed repeatedly.
Kong Xuan hesitated slightly, then said, "Master, now that we have achieved success, I am confident that none of the immortals are my opponents. Why don’t you wait until the time comes to explain the bad luck of the immortals?"
After listening to Li Suiyun’s heart, he nodded, "I have one thing that I need you to do. It’s not difficult for me to make a big deal except for you. It’s really hard for me to let them go. Now that you’ve become five busy people, you can get away with it even if you meet a saint. Be careful about everything."
Kong Xuan listened to his heart and was surprised. He looked at Li Suiyun’s face full of indecision and thoughtfully for a long time before he sighed slightly, "Is it true that Master’s affairs are so big that Yuan and Tongtian, two scholars or western saints, will they really stop each other regardless of their own identity?"
Li Suiyun shook his head and sighed lightly, "Although many of the masters of Floating Cloud Island are well-founded, they are also stronger than the other three religions. If one-on-one is the most powerful, we are not afraid of Nai, but who is stronger than one-on-one. God knows if they will unite together. If it is true, we have a way to go."
Kong Xuan’s eyes were full of sighs. He hesitated and sighed, "Master, wouldn’t it save a lot of things if we broke a lesson first?"
Li Suiyun sneered, "If you think well, I will make this hand, but there is nothing wrong with it. The key is that at this time, the war of gods has started, and they are not idiots. If you can’t see what they know, they will try their best to guard against me at this time!"
Kong Xuan was slightly surprised, and his eyes turned slightly and nodded. "That’s true. As Master said, I taught the leaders of strength, but now we are afraid that all the religions are guarding against us. Master doesn’t know what you want me to do, but please tell him."
Li Suiyun nodded slightly. "I am also good at observing the airway. I have seen that the imperial spirit originated from the western soup foundation and was doomed to ruin. I also wanted to delay its success. Now we should prepare early."
When Kong Xuan’s eyes lit up, he immediately realized, "Master wants me to change Zhou Bo and Hou Jichang so that they will be inclined to our school, or will the West prosper in the future?"
Li Suiyun shook his head and sneered, "You are wrong. I want you to go to Xibohou instead of Xibohou, but you can take an examination of him."
Kong Xuan startled slightly thoughtfully eyes off a flash some wake up, "the master that Xibo Hou Jichang didn’t have a chance to become an adult clan owner. Alas, he was busy, and in the end he had to do his son’s wedding clothes? It’s really pitiful to think of him. "
Li Suiyun shook his head and smiled. "You are wrong. The imperial spirit is not in Boyi, but in his younger brother Jifa. If he is surprised, he will inherit the unification."
Kong Xuan frowned and blurted out, "Master, it is reasonable for us to assist Ji Fa. After all, God’s will is hard to violate. Although you have always advocated going against the sky, the so-called master who goes against the sky will be able to reverse his destiny if he makes moves, but it will take a lot of effort after all. Master, we will not assist Ji Fa to push him to the throne, so we can save a lot of effort."
Li Suiyun laughed coldly. "Push him to the throne? Do you think my brothers can’t see through this? I’m afraid they would have done it long ago. I never thought about helping Ji Fa hem. What’s good about helping him? Although he is the second wife, if anything happens, he will never have a chance to ascend the throne in his generation, but in the same way, he should be the king of trick or two or him. "
Speaking of which, Li Suiyun gave a meaningful smile and looked at Kong Xuan lightly, "Do you know what I mean?"
Kong Xuan suddenly realized that he nodded heavily. "So that’s it, Master. I get it. Do you mean that Ji Fa even had a desire to take the throne? If he followed the master’s temperament, he would wait for the opportunity to get started in the Boyi exam and wait for his throne to be taken away, and he would taste everything that belonged to him.
Then he didn’t know how to thank Master for his gift until he did so! "
Li Suiyun gently nodded and revealed a smile and looked at Kong Xuan’s low track. "It is for this reason that you finally see white and don’t waste my teaching, so you need to be careful. If something happens, you can kill me. My floating brother can’t stand being bullied by others."
Kong Xuan nodded yes and immediately got up and went. He also knew that the matter could not be delayed, and he was especially careful that the five busy members were all honored and that the mirror of heaven in science was equipped, for fear of missing a little thing.
Li Suiyun nodded slightly and woke up in his heart. He hesitated slightly in what Sister Xi did, but he was always at ease. Then he called a busy person to help him. If Sister Xi and Mei Xueyi were in no danger, they would watch. If they were in any danger, they would take care of it.
It is said that this Su Hu ordered 3,000 troops and 500 families to prepare the felt car to make da ji dress and set off. da ji heard the tears and bid farewell to his mother, and his eldest brother was so charming that he was like a cage full of cigarettes, peony and rain. How could the pear mother give up her life? Seeing the left and right attendants, she urged the lady to cry and enter the house with tears.
Su Zhong sent five miles and returned to his heart, feeling very depressed. His sister was not a little annoyed in exchange for peace. After all, he was a good martial man. It is a saying that soldiers shed blood without tears. It is hard for him to calm down at the thought of facing everything.
Su Hu ordered soldiers and horses to lead people to press back and protect da ji. See you in front, hit two noble flags and banners, hunger and thirst all the way, climb to the purple desert, practice the world of mortals, pass some green poplar ancient roads, and see some crows, call spring cuckoos and call the moon on the road. The journey will last for more than one or two days, and every day, I will cross the county and wade through the mountains, and I will arrive in the state of En.
Su Hu went into the city to see Eun Zhou Yi Yi Cheng.
Su Hu went camping all the way, and when he thought of his daughter’s fate, he was also difficult to calm down. He immediately ordered "Yi Cheng to clean up the clean hall and place the nobles."
After listening to this, Yi Cheng’s face changed, full of horror. It was difficult to look at Su Hu and hesitated for a long time before shaking his head and sighing, "If I report to my master that there is nothing important at ordinary times, there is something wrong with it at this time. After a demon came out of this post three years ago, every past master was not in it. Can you please rest in the camp and protect yourself?"
Su Hu heart is annoyed at hearing this, the heart is even more annoyed. Maybe even a little monster dares to bully himself. He can’t stand on his eyebrows and drink a big way. "What evil spirits are the heavenly nobles afraid of? Do you have an inn to stop at? Go and clean the living room of Jingtang in the post office. If you hesitate, don’t blame me for my sword! "
When Yi Cheng ate Su Hu, he felt cold and sweaty all over, but he told everyone to get ready to spread the fragrance and clean up everything before he invited da ji.
Su Hu placed da ji in the back hall, with 50 attendants around and 3,000 troops around the post. Five hundred families will camp at the gate of the inn, so they don’t trust each other and send people to patrol just in case.
Su Hu is sitting in the camp and feeling very annoyed. "Just after Cheng said that there are monsters here. This is where Huang Hua lives in the festival. What is the matter?" However, there is a reason to say that although I am not afraid of Nai’s daughter’s hand-tied, if I can protect my own safety, it is inevitable. "
He put a leopard-tail whip on the table to pick up the lantern show and play with soldiers. He heard that it was already one watch when the drums were first struck in Enzhou City, and he was always at ease. iron whip quietly stepped in the patio and looked around the room. See the maid and the young lady quietly sleeping before you can rest assured; Look at the soldiers in the camp again, and you won’t realize it’s the second watch. It’s strange that suddenly a gust of wind blows through people’s skin and turns off the lights.
Su Hu was blown by this strange wind, and his heart was confused. He was suddenly surprised. Is there really a monster? His eyes will jump with a stare, and he will get up and don’t want a strange fragrance to feel top-heavy and dizzy? He fell down and fell asleep.
This is a sister-in-law. She exudes fragrance and charms all the Jizhou troops. There is a hint of coldness in her eyes. She can look down on this guy who has been given a few words and said that she will send her daughter to her own name in exchange for wealth.
Here, the Millennium fox went straight into the clean room. She knew that if she wanted to get into the Shang Dynasty, Wang Ting would have to use some means. She came from da ji, and if she used da ji’s physical body to start an uprising, she would get twice the result with half the effort.
When she entered the clean room, she was surprised, but when she saw that da ji was unable to sleep, there was still a woman sitting beside her bed. This woman was beautiful and poetic.
The winter tour is full of flying snow every year, the cold plum blossoms are in full bloom, the white brocade is fragrant, the Yushu Qiongbao piles of snow, the quiet night is heavy and floating, the cold immersion dissolves the moon, the sky is rotten, and the silver glow is clear and muddy, like a portrait of a real person, whose spirit is extremely noble and noble, and whose channel is different.
When the fox saw it, he felt that this woman was absolutely beautiful, just like a lotus in the water, with more silk and beautiful meaning, just like a snow lotus. Although she is a woman, she can’t help but be fascinated.
That woman is Mei Xueyi. She was afraid that the fox would hurt da ji, but she got here first to protect this poor girl. At this time, she has a budding wooden stick in her hand. The end of this wooden stick is beautiful and tight, green as jade and crystal clear as diamonds.
The fox’s face changed slightly when she saw the wooden staff. She has been well-informed for thousands of years, and she can’t see the truth or falsehood of that thing. That thing was struck by thunder. Mei Shu, Mei Shu Su, came to be aloof and aloof. After the successful cultivation, the thunder struck the wood. This treasure has both thunder and wood attributes, but Han Mei is very few because of her aloofness. This Lei Mu Qiong Bao staff is also extremely rare.
Now there is a branch in front of her eyes, and she naturally knows each other’s identity is extraordinary. The thought of each other’s arrival here must be aimed at herself. At that time, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit indecisive. The micro-motion of my hand is already a twist, and when the time comes, I will put it to work for each other to fight a larger foe.
Chapter 17 Show your charming face with a charming smile and you want to pour your country.
When the fox saw Mei Xueyi’s beautiful face and holding a treasure in her heart, she was surprised and worried that it might not be her opponent’s surprise. She listened to the door ring and looked sideways and squinted, but she saw a beautiful woman full of youthful breath and vitality. Her brow was faintly proud of her intention, but she felt that this female figure was really hot. If she said that Mei Xueyi was a group of fragrant and jealous snow plums, then this woman was a gorgeous peony in full bloom.
The fox is a little surprised and a little afraid. She is not afraid that the two girls will cultivate their heights, though profound, but definitely not as high as her. After all, he has been practicing hard for more than a thousand years, and it is impossible to say that he can cultivate three tails. But these two women are obviously together and can have such a beautiful girl to do it. This behind-the-scenes person is by no means idle.
Sister Xi glanced at the bed and slept soundly. da ji nodded faintly and sighed, "Indeed, there is a beautiful appearance. If she really entered the Chaoge, Zhou Wang’s temperament must be the color of and the Emperor, from that time forth, forsook his early hearings’s sixth house."
Mei Xueyi gently nodded and said, "It’s also a sin to think that beauty is beautiful. If you and I are not taken in by Master, I’m afraid we will either fall into reincarnation or be reduced to other people’s playthings."
When the fox heard this, she was slightly stunned. How much did she hear from the conversation between two people? It seems that the other party was really prepared. However, it seems that the people here are either dead or unconscious. "I don’t know what the two sisters are doing here?" "She also fine tight first point yourself to make each other’s heart scruples.
Mei Xueyi smiled gently. "Sister Fox, we know that you have been ordered by Nu Wa Empress to destroy Zhou Wang Jiangshan. This has nothing to do with us. We won’t have a hard time with you. You are not nervous. We are here because this woman da ji is also a poor person. She has a beautiful face but failed to protect her own strength. We are here because of her."
The fox was taken aback, and his eyes seemed to be more alert. "I don’t know where the two sisters are taking her?" Please also ask the two sisters to talk to solve their doubts. "
Sister Xi smiled gently and casually walked behind the fox and Mei Xueyi was caught in the crossfire. "Sister, our master personally ordered us to take her back, probably to take her as a maid!" Sister has to suck her soul here, so she can sing songs in the court and bring trouble to Yin and Shang dynasties. We will take her away and make her look like her, which will ruin her life and hurt the sky? 」
After listening to the fox’s eyes flashing, the corners of her mouth slightly become warped, which seems to reveal a smile. She looked at the two women and said softly, "Sister said that my sister has nothing to say and didn’t refuse. It is necessary that my sister can tell me exactly where you are coming from, and I will have an answer if I don’t."
Mei Xueyi smiled gently and shook her head lightly, sighing, "It is no wonder that Sister Dao Jing is worthy of her name when she saw it today. It is unreasonable to have a character like Sister if she can’t prosper."
Sister Xi also gave me a smile and said coldly, "Sister, you don’t need Nu Wa Empress to crush us. We also know that the Empress’s supernatural power and status are known, but we will naturally not be afraid when we come here under the orders of our teacher. What’s more, we have never disobeyed the Empress’s will, but we will help a koo-ren. Even if the Empress knows, she will not blame us."